Welcome to the Global Mobilization Consultation website!

The GMC is a project of the Global Mobilization Network. It is a global gathering of mobilizers who want to learn from each other, share ideas and insights, and be encouraged from reports of what the Lord is doing all around the world, track the progress of mobilization efforts, and build on the great momentum of the expansion of God’s Kingdom. This event usually takes place every 2 – 3 years, previously in Indonesia, Kenya, the United Arab Emirates and Brazil. This year we are blessed to have this event take place in Thailand! 

Dec 2 – Dec


If you live in Chiang Mai and want to attend one day to the conference, we now have the day pass rate for you. This rate includes lunch, break, and dinner. Click on the following link to register.


Dynamic Momentum 

October 16 – 20, 2023

The event will begin with dinner on October 16th, and end with breakfast on October 20th. 


One of the great things about being involved in God’s mission, is that it is God’s mission, not ours!  As such, He is working to expand His kingdom among all peoples. We are simply the tools that He uses to mobilize His church to bring the gospel to all of the remaining people groups who have not yet had the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus. 

The theme of this year’s GMC, Dynamic Momentum, reveals two important realities in our task to complete the Great Commission.

The Dynamic aspect reflects both the continuous, forceful expansion of the Kingdom of God and the way in which we adjust and adapt to our changing world.

The Momentum aspect reflects the diminishing task over the centuries and the accelerating growth in the Kingdom of God worldwide. These are things that should be investigated, discussed, analyzed, and ultimately celebrated! And that is what we plan to do in October!



Speakers from all across the world in different countries, cultures, and contexts are coming to share their insights and experiences as it relates to the Dynamic Momentum taking place in missions today. 

Panel Discussion

Open, transparent discussions covering relevant themes from those who know the subject best should prove to be beneficial to us all.

Regional Meetings

Connect with other mission mobilizers in your part of the world and strategize how you can collaborate to mobilize the Church in your country.


Learn practical insights on subjects that reflect the reality of doing missions in a constantly changing world.

Connection Time

One of the most appreciated parts of such an international conference is getting to know others and learn from their experiences and insights. Friendships are established, partnerships are often formed, and the body of Christ is solidified for the task.



Mary Mumo – Kenya

Mobilizing the Next Generation: Children

Ferdinand Nweke – Nigeria

Momentum in Mobilizing Marketplace / Professionals

Rafik Barsoum – Egypt /Canada

Leading Multicultural Teams & Managing Conflict

Jay Matenga – New Zealand

Future of Mobilization

Steve Shadrach – USA

Mobilizing All God’s People

Mike Adegbile – Nigeria

From Momentum to Completion

Greg Parsons – USA

Multiplying Mobilizers

Kate Register – UK

Leading Innovation and Change in Missions

Paulo Feniman – Brazil

Accelerating Mobilization in a Dynamic World

Ryan Shaw – USA

Prayer & Momentum in Mobilization

Jacob Igba – South Africa

Economics Factors & Sustainability in Missions

Harriet Ngugi – Kenya

Multiplying Mobilizers

Ray Peng – Taiwan

Technology and Mobilization: Social/Digital Media

Carissa Potter – USA

Mobilizing the Next Generation: Families


We are providing single and double rooms, each has a different cost. The price includes food (meals for 3 days), 4 hotel nights (October 16 to 20), a shuttle to/from the airport, and hotel amenities, as well as access to the whole program.


Regular Rate: (July-August)

Double Room – $450

Single Room – $550

Married Couple – $900

Late Rate: (September-October)

Double Room – $480

Single Room – $580

Married Couple – $960

The Venue


Chiang Mai, Thailand

Conveniently located only 15 minutes from Chiang Mai International Airport, the Khum Phucome Hotel offers a beautiful setting with comfortable rooms and excellent service conducive to an enjoyable and blessed consultation.

Learn more about Hotel

Flight and Transportation Info

You should plan to arrive at Chiang Mai International Airport (CNX) by the afternoon on October 16th, and depart after breakfast on Friday, October 20th. 
– After completing the registration, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to complete a travel form. This form must be completed if you wish to reserve your spot on the airport shuttle.
– If you wish to arrive earlier or stay later than the conference dates, you will need to arrange lodging directly with the hotel.


Visa Requirements

Attendees are responsible to research their country’s visa requirements for Thailand. The website for electronic visas can be reached here.  GMC2023 can provide attendees with official invitations to help with their visa applications. To request a written invitation, please contact us at info@globalmobilization.org and include your name as it appears on your passport.